Embracing the Good Life

Three Mental Health Tips for a New Season from your Psychotherapist

A road winding through a forest, it is Fall and the leaves have turned colours representing change and an opportunity to embrace it and your mental health in Kitchener-Waterloo.

As September rolls in, it brings a natural rhythm of change. Kids are heading back to school, schedules are shifting, and we are easing into a new season. For many, it feels like a time to refresh and refocus—a perfect opportunity to reflect on how we can live the Good Life. As we launch Season Two of The Sacred Sofa, we are diving deep into this very idea. What does it mean to live a life of flourishing? How can we embrace the wisdom of both ancient philosophy and modern mental health practices to enhance our well-being?

In Episode One of The Sacred Sofa, titled The Good Life, Brad and myself explore the timeless wisdom of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, alongside Stoic philosophy and modern psychology. Episode Two, The Philosophy of Life, continues the conversation by examining how ancient philosophy can shape the way we approach the ups and downs of life.

As we step into this new season, here are three practical mental health tips inspired by the themes discussed in these episodes to help you navigate the changes, prepare for seasonal shifts, and prioritize self-care:

1. Embrace Change as an Opportunity for Growth

With new routines and changing weather, September can feel overwhelming. Yet, as The Sacred Sofa highlights, the Good Life involves learning to embrace life's transitions. In Episode Two, we discuss how Stoicism, an ancient philosophy, teaches us to see challenges as opportunities to grow. When we stop resisting change and start viewing it as a path to self-improvement, we’re more equipped to handle life's demands.

Mental Health Tip: Practice mindfulness and gratitude during moments of change. Instead of worrying about what’s shifting, ask yourself, “What can I learn from this experience?” Journaling can help you reflect on these changes with a positive mindset.

2. Prepare for Seasonal Shifts—Especially Seasonal Depression

As the days grow shorter, many people experience Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a type of depression related to changes in season. In The Good Life episode, we explore how modern therapy, inspired by ancient wisdom, can help us understand and manage difficult emotions. Recognizing the signs of seasonal depression early allows you to take proactive steps to manage your mental health.

Mental Health Tip: Begin light therapy or increase your exposure to natural sunlight. Consider talking to a therapist if you notice early signs of SAD, such as low energy, mood swings, or difficulty concentrating. Setting aside time for physical activity and social connection can also help boost your mood during the darker months.

3. Prioritize Self-Care and Love

In The Philosophy of Life, Brad and I discuss how modern life often leads us to compartmentalize different aspects of ourselves. To truly live the Good Life, we need to integrate our spiritual, emotional, and physical selves. Self-care is more than just an indulgence; it’s about creating space to nurture all parts of who we are.

Mental Health Tip: Block out time each week for self-care, whether it's a quiet walk, meditation, or engaging in a creative hobby. This time is essential to recharge and connect with yourself. Remember, self-care isn’t selfish—it’s necessary for mental wellness and resilience.

By reflecting on the insights from The Sacred Sofa, and implementing these three tips into your life, you can step into this new season with intention, prepared to live the Good Life. We invite you to listen to both episodes for more thoughtful discussion on how ancient philosophy and modern mental health practices can work hand-in-hand to bring balance, peace, and growth into your life.


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